May Day tradition continues in Montpelier and Brattleboro!

“The Time Is Now!”
The Vermont Workers Center is hosting a Rally at the Statehouse in Montpelier at 11:30am

Vermont is at a crossroads. But rather than choosing the path towards human rights and dignity, Governor Shumlin and many legislators are pushing an austerity agenda based on cutting public services for people with disabilities and attacking state workers and teachers. Instead of raising revenue equitably to meet the needs in our communities, those in power have abandoned the path towards publicly-financed healthcare, and are failing to address the climate crisis by supporting a major fracked gas pipeline in the Champlain valley.

It’s up to the people to lead. Human rights and justice will not drop from the sky – it’s time to organize, take the streets, and build unity between our movements.

On May 1st, join hundreds of people from across Vermont for a powerful march and rally for justice and a livable planet.

The time is now: Put people first!
Details and registration at


Celebrate May Day at The Brattleboro Common This Friday
3:00 to 5:30pm

Begin the 4th decade of commemoration of May Day, International Labor Day, at 3:00 p.m. until 5:30.p.m. Face painting, Maypole, music and food. Readings about the strike for the 8-hour day. Take the soap box! Political literature welcome. For more information, call Peter Diamondstone@ 257-7250 or Jess Diamondstone @ 254-9403. Join hundreds who will be in Montpelier and hundreds of thousands around the world.

?A Rich History It began with seasonal celebrations of Earth and Fertility, then May Day became a time to celebrate the re-newels of leases and loan money to tenant farmers for seed, hence, the earliest forms of labor day. Now, an international day of celebration for all people who work and a day set aside to commemorate those who have given their lives to ensure workers’ rights to the 8 hour day, job safety, dignity, and the right to collective bargaining.

A great opportunity to learn about American History, for home-schoolers, and everyone else, too!

?Please spread the word.

Liberty Union Party member opinion

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